expert advice professionally delivered to help your business meets its digital goals

It's Time for a Marketing Plan Update
In the U.S., end of summer vacations and beginning of the school year mark the onset of a new marketing planning "season." It is a time to update your old marketing plans or -- if you do not have a marketing plan -- begin writing one for the first time.
Profitable Marketing Programs - in Motion
Implementing a particular marketing program also means tracking and measuring success (so the program's performance can be evaluated and improved upon); staying on schedule; and staying within your marketing plan budget. Therefore, when planning your programs, it's critical to build these into the process. Article explains how to use action plans and time lines to improve marketing performance.
Marketing Plan Strategy
Pricing Strategies in Marketing
Price is an often overlooked marketing strategy, as many tend to focus on promotions or advertising. Pricing strategies, however, can have a large impact on sales and (more importantly) profit.
Marketing Plan Tips
10 Tips To Help Calm 'Marketing Plan Panic' (PDF)
Tips to help small businesses get through the fourth quarter marketing plan season and helps those in need of ideas decide what to write in their marketing plans.
Marketing Strategy
Developing a Website Marketing Plan
Finding the time and commitment to develop an online marketing plan can be difficult. There are so many other obligations vying for our attention it is tempting to push plans to the back burner. This means, however, putting your business at a disadvantage. The article explains.
Web Marketing Tip Sheet
11 Strategies for Making More Profit
This PDF explains eleven ways to improve profit through your Website. Articles and resources are listed under each.
Evaluating Plans
7 Ways To Evaluate Your Marketing Plan
Business owners often find it difficult to know whether their marketing tactics are working. This can be especially tricky when you use a combination of marketing activities simultaneously, or if using personal-contact tactics such as networking. Article explains seven ways to determine marketing plan effectiveness.
Improving Marketing Plans and Profit
Marketing Mix Article
Marketing plan effectiveness is in part due to the marketing mix of promotion, product, place (distribution channel), and price you choose for your marketing plan. Including both short term and long term strategies in your plans makes for a more profitable marketing mix both on and off the Internet. Article explains and gives examples of both.
Your Marketing Plan
Getting Started
When developing or updating plans, knowing where to start is often a challenge. To better develop effective strategies to use in your marketing plan, begin by gathering information about both your company and the larger environment (competition, trends, statistics, etc.). This affects your marketing plan decisions throughout the process.
The article includes 11 different information categories marketers can to turn to when creating plans. Also includes links to specific market information resources.
What to Include
When You Write a Marketing Plan
For those new to marketing plans, the thought of writing a marketing plan from start to finish may feel daunting. It need not. Article explains content to include when writing a basic or expanded marketing plan.
Third Party Articles
A recent debate started me thinking about how some marketing plan strategies and programs can be right for one Website, but wrong for another depending upon the site's purpose and the underlying reasoning behind the action. If an action doesn't directly and logically plug into a site's marketing plan goals then there are likely more profitable ways to spend that time and effort. Part 1 of this series looks at including third party articles on your Website as a marketing plan strategy.
Brainstorming Techniques
When developing new products and strategies for a marketing plan, coming up with unique ideas is often a struggle. Article details two brainstorming techniques to apply when developing your plan or new products. Several brainstorming resources are also included.
Read more on marketing your website
Perhaps the best way forward is to call 07802 944593, take advantage of my free hour's consultation to evaluate your site and to discuss improvements. You be the judge on whether or not I can help.