expert advice professionally delivered to help your business meets its digital goals

Web Marketing + is not a one-stop shop website marketing agency. We do not undertake PPC or paid search, we do not undertake e-mail broadcast, or any type of Internet advertising, we are the organic search specialists.
At Web Marketing + we are expert at marketing your website to potential customers online. By website marketing, we interpret this as organic search. Organic Search, or natural search is the opposite of paid search. Although we have run over 500 PPC campaigns in our time, our single focus is Google’s organic listings, i.e. developing a web marketing strategy that results in a first place position in Google, for a number of chosen short tail and long tail keywords.
Part of the website marketing mix includes search engine optimisation of the client's core website, optimising current and new web content, building links both internally and externally (links to other websites) and maximising on a back link campaign that verifies and gives credibility to the claims made by client’s websites.
More and more businesses are looking towards the internet as a means of advertising their products and services. The internet can drive huge amounts of traffic to your website through varying different methods such as content marketing & social media. If you would like to enquire about these services click here for more information and talk with the professionals about what internet marketing avenue may be right for your business.
As a website cannot be all keywords to all users, is often necessary to look at other means of increasing traffic to client’s website. A useful part of the web marketing mix is the creation of supporting websites or micro sites, using keyword domains. An example of keyword domain is
These website concentrate on a small range of keywords. A live example is This ranks #4 for french lessons. We built this to support a language school client who’s main site could not compete on the keyword “French lessons”.
The current SEO belief that creating a blog on a website, (that no one really uses) or adding news to your homepage (when you are not a news focused website) is not in our SEO experience and research as beneficial as creating external websites that contain similar content, but have the advantage of not diluting core keywords within the main corporate site.
It is estimated that the Internet will soon consist of one website per person on the planet. Just as your business does not consist of one person, neither should your website marketing consist solely focused on one website. To these websites take time and cost money, yesterday. However the cost is not as great as you might think. The sites are branded, and looks similar to the call website they are supporting. Web designers already been paid for, and this simply a question of creating a template. The site's content is the major time consumer and cost. Another way of looking at these websites is a company's investment in the Internet, which is not going anywhere.
Aside from researching possible damage caused by adding blogs and news to a website, writing and submitting articles to external websites, or adding comment to external blogs is often equally pointless. Whilst some Web PR can be informative, and can drive human traffic, or result in back links? most article submission and blog commenting only really creates value for the for the websites they are added to.
Web Marketing + has proven this by creating two dozen web directories, a dozen articles mission sides, and over 100 blog sites.? The majority of these websites especially, ‘the add free article websites’ are inundated with new requests for article submission. Out of these 12 article submission sites each with over 5000 pages of articles and content, only four pages give a link back to the submitter's website. The rest of the links created are to websites Web Marketing + owned, which are in the footer of every new page created.
How exactly to take your website marketing to the next level is something that together we can strategise, create targets for and together we can achieve success. Although Web Marketing + has the resources to code, design and write any websites we will never know your business to the degree that you do.
The first is to call us and make an appointment or email your request for us to contact you.
Perhaps the best way forward is to call 07802 944593, take advantage of my free hour's consultation to evaluate your site and to discuss improvements. You be the judge on whether or not I can help.