expert advice professionally delivered to help your business meets its digital goals

The majority of our clients take confidentiality seriously and do not want anyone to know how they are marketing their websites and what their strategy is etc. This is why we do not publish a list of clients, as not only would they be inundated by every SEO Company as this site ranks so highly, but we would also be breaking numerous NDAs. Equally budgets and total spends are not mentioned, nor our fiscal results.
Below is case study that we have had permission to divulge.
Brief: Quadruple existing profit from the website using organic search, reduce current PPC spend by increasing conversion rate from non paid search. Time scale 6 months.
Stage One
Initially recreated a '.com' version of the existing site and duplicated the current ecommerce site adding 10% to all prices. We then build 50 technical / computer related websites. A number of these were purchased websites with existing traffic, a number were old domains that were no longer required by their previous owners. Others where directories on theme (see and Basically, not only had we created an adequate number of backlinks but we had created relevant traffic that resulted in revenue. (for 2013 see London Daily)
The above resulted in a 29% increase in sales.
Stage Two
Turning back to the original website and its new sister the .com version we optimised both websites to reflect different target markets of buyer who used difference keywords. We decided on" used laptops" for one of the websites and took the site onto the first page of Google (#1 or #2) click here and look for We also identified the following keywords second had laptop, refurbished laptop, laptop parts. We achieved a first five position on the first page of Google for all of the keywords.
Stage two took four months to achieve, within seven months we had succeeded in driving 55,000 + visitors pcm.
Stage Three
Stage three evolved after a brainstorming on how we could sell more products to more people. The problem was the data. We identified that the client was currently selling computer spare parts but the problem of inputting 1000s of products into an ecommerce platform was a hurdle. We also worked with Magic Quadrants specialist to carry out an analyst assessment, this helped the company evolve further.
We solved this problem by scraping a number of websites and changing the data so that is was unloadable. In an instance we now had over 25,000 new products to sell.
Now further websites were required to hemp funnel traffic too, on example is This website is historic in the sense that it was the first UK website to have a browser to download (that vaguely resembled IE). Links place on this site and adverts pointing to our client is an example of how Web Marketing + works and the web intellectual property that our clients have available to them.
How exactly to take your website marketing to the next level is something that together we can strategise, create targets for and together we can achieve success. Although Web Marketing + has the resources to code, design and write any websites we will never know your business to the degree that you do.
The first is to call us and make an appointment or email your request for us to contact you.
Perhaps the best way forward is to call 07802 944593, take advantage of my free hour's consultation to evaluate your site and to discuss improvements. You be the judge on whether or not I can help.