expert advice professionally delivered to help your business meets its digital goals

Good question. Perhaps one the most startling differences between Web Marketing + and other SEO agencies is the level of creativity involved. Although we can only comment on our client's old SEO company work, what often comes apparent is the number of agencies who work on a very micro level without appreciating the big picture.
For example take keywords. There is a huge SEO concentration on keywords, making the process of selecting the right keyword seem to be a skill only a trained SEO person can achieve. Yet every businessman who answers the telephone to prospective clients will be well aware of how those potential buyers describe a company’s service or product.
Many SEO agencies, limit their client to a few keywords dictated by budget. Regardless of budget at Web Marketing + we look at the larger long term picture, we aim high. We ask our clients what does success look like? Quantify this in terms of enquiries, orders, or better still revenue generated from the website.
We then looked to the Internet, can Google supply the amount of traffic required for a certain conversion rate to meet that revenue target? We begin to formulate a plan based on targets, and available resources (budgets).
We think the other thing that sets Web Marketing + apart, is our respect to the client. At Web Marketing + we tell our clients “do not believe a single SEO thing we say, until you have seen it proved.” We also tell our clients that there is no such thing as a stupid question or a bad idea.
One thing we tell our clients is “although we are expert at on page optimisation and off page link building, we will never know their business as well as they do. They are the experts, and fundamentally on the day, with a little SEO translation from Web Marketing +, will provide the additional enthusiasm that makes a difference between # 5 and #1 in Google.
Website Marketing and SEO do not take time, to see organic search results takes three months. This is another difference, Web Marketing + can show results in under 20 days. To learn the way we do this, you have to give us a call or send an email.
Perhaps the best way forward is to call 07802 944593, take advantage of my free hour's consultation to evaluate your site and to discuss improvements. You be the judge on whether or not I can help.