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Dedicated Landing Pages
You network. You dole business cards and brochures, attend events and trade shows. You have a online ads, paper ads, you are a marketing machine. Every one of those marketing vehicles should and can be supported with a specialized landing web page that can generate and increase your conversion rate, if properly directed and handled. Sending potential clients to your index page is sending the simple message, "your business is not that important"
Dedicated landing pages are traditionally used to track the effects of particular promotions and advertising. These work by creating a special page (with a unique URL) especially for each and every promotional campaign.
This works by using only the landing page url in association with a campaign. You'd not mention, or otherwise link to that page outside of that campaign. Thus, anyone arriving at a given landing page must be as a result of the promotional campaign it is associated with.
Landing pages themselves only help track referrals but, when combined with some form of session tracking, can also help to calculate the ROI of a given promotional campaign too.
Landing pages are versatile, but because a separate page is needed for each campaign you wish to track, it can be quite time intensive to setup this form of tracking.
Additionally, there is a limitation with online campaigns, where having links to unique landing pages could weaken any link popularity benefit you would normally gain. With so many modern search engines placing great weight on link popularity, this can be quite a drawback.
However, one of the main benefits of having dedicated landing pages is that you can have specific copy tailored to the exact audience your campaign is designed to target. In other words, a sales pitch tailored specifically to the audience that a specific advert can reach.
In summary, dedicated landing pages are a versatile and useful tool in tracking (and converting) referrals from specific campaigns. Combine the landing pages with other tracking solutions, and you have a very effective means of tracking and converting referrals.
ClickTracks is a very versatile and powerful tracking solution that not only tracks visitors and their paths, but will also aid in directly calculating sales, return on investment, and even help in focusing the content of your landing pages to direct visitors further.
ClickTracks does this through a very original and functional user interface. One that allows you to see in real terms how your visitors are using the site, page by page. I urge you to take a look for yourself.
Perhaps the best way forward is to call 07802 944593, take advantage of my free hour's consultation to evaluate your site and to discuss improvements. You be the judge on whether or not I can help.